Thursday 4 July 2013

(Legally) National Park in Malaysia

When we talk about national parks in Malaysia, I think all of us (including me) will think immediately about the Taman Negara, Pahang. Other than that, we can search through internet and find out that there are so many national parks in Malaysia. However, are they legally gazetted?

What is your answer?Yes or No?
If your answer is YES, then you might be shocked after you know the answer.

I was also shocked when I was told by my lecturer, we call him haji yunuf. He is ex-director of Penang Forestry Department and was a representative of Malaysia in negotiating forest issues at International level.

His answer is Malaysia has only 1 legally gazetted national park. 
I think you are so curious want to know which national park it is, right?

The answer is Penang National Park

What do you think why Taman Negara Pahang and other national parks are not legally gazetted under the laws?

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